Using Gramps API vs SQLite: Creating Custom Queries for Genealogical Research

From time to time, I have to write my own queries using an exported database in SQLite. It’s a bit inconvenient to export the database and connect to it every time, although it’s not critical - I do it not every day :slightly_smiling_face:. However, the queries I write for my specific purposes may also be useful to other Gramps users.
Therefore, I’m curious about how complicated it is to write your own queries to the database using the API or directly to the database? Here’s an example that I needed recently to prepare a complete list of people by tag with their full names, IDs, and dates of birth and death. This is to be able to post a list of residents of a certain locality on the forum for other genealogical researchers.
I’m not sure, but maybe there are already some plugin builders that allow constructing custom queries for individual tasks? Though I doubt that something like this can be implemented.

WITH PersonHandles AS (
    SELECT p.handle AS person_handle
    FROM person AS p
    INNER JOIN link AS lpn ON p.handle = lpn.from_handle AND lpn.from_type = 'person' AND lpn.to_type = 'name'
    INNER JOIN name ON name.handle = lpn.to_handle AND lpn.to_type = 'name'
    INNER JOIN link AS lns ON name.handle = lns.from_handle AND lns.from_type = 'name' AND lns.to_type = 'surname'
    INNER JOIN surname AS s ON s.handle = lns.to_handle AND lns.to_type = 'surname'
    INNER JOIN link AS lpt ON p.handle = lpt.from_handle AND lpt.from_type = 'person' AND lpt.to_type = 'tag'
    INNER JOIN tag ON tag.handle = lpt.to_handle AND lpt.to_type = 'tag'
    WHERE = 'my tag'
        AND p.private = 0
PersonDetails AS (
        person.handle AS handle,
        person.private AS private,
        MAX(CASE WHEN surname.origin_type0 = 3 THEN surname.surname END) AS given_surname,
        MAX(CASE WHEN surname.origin_type0 = 4 THEN surname.surname END) AS taken_surname,
        GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN surname.origin_type0 NOT IN (3,4) THEN surname.surname END, ', ') AS other,
        joined_table_birth.date_text AS birth,
        joined_table_death.date_text AS death
    FROM link AS link_person_name
    INNER JOIN person ON person.handle = link_person_name.from_handle AND link_person_name.from_type = 'person'
    INNER JOIN name ON name.handle = link_person_name.to_handle AND link_person_name.to_type = 'name'
    LEFT JOIN link AS link_name_surname ON name.handle = link_name_surname.from_handle AND link_name_surname.from_type = 'name'
    LEFT JOIN surname ON surname.handle = link_name_surname.to_handle AND link_name_surname.to_type = 'surname'
            event.handle AS handle,
            GROUP_CONCAT(date.text, ', ') AS date_text
        FROM event
        LEFT JOIN link AS link_event_date ON event.handle = link_event_date.from_handle AND link_event_date.from_type = 'event'
        LEFT JOIN date ON link_event_date.to_handle = date.handle AND link_event_date.to_type = 'date'
        GROUP BY event.handle
    ) AS joined_table_birth ON person.birth_ref_handle = joined_table_birth.handle
            event.handle AS handle,
            GROUP_CONCAT(date.text, ', ') AS date_text
        FROM event
        LEFT JOIN link AS link_event_date ON event.handle = link_event_date.from_handle AND link_event_date.from_type = 'event'
        LEFT JOIN date ON link_event_date.to_handle = date.handle AND link_event_date.to_type = 'date'
        GROUP BY event.handle
    ) AS joined_table_death ON person.death_ref_handle = joined_table_death.handle
    GROUP BY person.handle, person.gid, name.first_name, name.private
    person_details.gid || '. ' || 
    COALESCE(person_details.given_surname, '') || 
    CASE WHEN person_details.taken_surname IS NOT NULL THEN ' (' || person_details.taken_surname || ')' ELSE '' END || ' ' || 
    COALESCE(person_details.first_name, '') || ' ' || 
    COALESCE(person_details.other, '') || '. ' || 
    '(Birth: ' || COALESCE(person_details.birth, '-') || '. Death: ' || COALESCE(person_details.death, '-') || ').' AS person_details_concatenated
FROM PersonHandles
LEFT JOIN PersonDetails AS person_details ON PersonHandles.person_handle = person_details.handle
    strftime('%Y', 'now') - CAST(strftime('%Y', person_details.birth) AS INTEGER) >= 100 
    OR person_details.death IS NOT NULL 
    OR person_details.birth IS NULL
    AND (
            person_details_concatenated NOT LIKE '%surname1%' 
        AND person_details_concatenated NOT LIKE '%surname2%' 

In addition, I plan to write a substantial number of different sql-validators. For example, checks for:

  • whether every individual has a gender,
  • whether every individual has a birth event,
  • whether everyone born more than 100 years ago has a death event,
  • various checks when certain tags are present,
  • checks in attributes, …

It may be easier to use the Verify the Data tool which can be found under “Tools → Utilities” in the menu. Writing filter rules is also another option.

The API has displayers to format names, dates and places for you.

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sure, I use them. But I need more checks specific for me.

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