It is REALLY sensitive to input format problems now.
If 1 Person’s DNA Association fails the Gramplet fails to map ANY Associations for that person.
Chokes on an extra linefeed after the last row.
I was hoping to use the item you mentioned before about it ignoring lines that didn’t have 1-22 or X as the first term to add a comment header line or source ID comment
Once I had 4 Notes with Match Sequence data it was too hard to keep track of which Note to freshen from the Source. It required opening the Association Note & looking at the References tab. (I have a CSV from FamilyTreeDNA with 60 people on that worksheet.) That imported data is set to a minimum of 20 centimorgan. (The default is 5.)
I was hoping to include the 1st two raw rows (header & the FTDNA rows start with the 2 names being compared.)