The original name of adopted sons

Is it possible to register the original name of adopted sons?

Yes. The ability to log multiple Names is extensive. You can also assign a date span when the name was in use.

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As @emyoulation pointed out, a person can have multiple names, a person can also have more than one set of parents, in this case the Birth parents as well as the adoptive parents. Under the Children tab of the family, you can change the relationship from the default Birth to Adopted for one or both parents.

FYI: There is a known bug in how adopted children are listed as related to the home person. Instead of Adopted
, they are listed as Step- relatives.

Thanks for answer my question. It is posible, yes. I just need to know how!

The following instruction assumes that you have added a Person & entered their preferred name. (Which is typically the Birth surname is of ‘Origin: Patrilineal’ in genealogy.) A Historian might choose to use their adoptive Name (a ‘Taken’ origin) as a preferred name because that it was used most of their life.

  • Open the Person Editor
  • Under the Names tab, click the + (plus) toolbar icon to add a new Alternative name
  • Enter the adoptive Given & Surname
  • Set the Origin to “Taken”
  • click the Edit Person window’s OK button to commit the change to the tree.

(If desired, you can enter a date range or span for both names. i.e., “before 14 Aug 1873” & “after 13 Aug 1873”. Note the dates overlap. If they were the same day, there would be no name defined when ON that day.)

Thanks, I already know something more about Gramps. The only problem is that in the first box, Type, none of the four options: Alias; Unknown; Married Name and Birth Name I see no choice for adopted children

You can add a custom Type to any drop-down list by just typing it in
 I use Adopted Name. Just remember that any custom entry will not translate if that is an issue for you.

Thank you and all the good people who help us selflessly. I’m sorry, but I didn’t understand the last sentence

El 8 juny 2022, a les 11:39, Dave Scheipers via The Gramps Project (Discourse Forum & Mailing List) <> va escriure:

| DaveSch
June 8 |

  • | - |

You can add a custom Type to any drop-down list by just typing it in
 I use Adopted Name. Just remember that any custom entry will not translate if that is an issue for you.

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Manel Gallén Castillo

The Type options that are part of the main Gramps code will translate into other languages. So if I send a report to my Italian cousins, I can have Gramps translate the report into Italian. But any custom Type, like Adopted Name, will not translate into Italian or any other language. For most users, these custom types translating is never an issue. But for users needing Gramps’ translating abilities, custom entries is something they need to be aware of.

For most users, this is not an issue.

The “Adoption” relationship is created when the adopted Child is added to the Children in the Family of the Adoptive Parent(s)

In the Family Editor dialog below, all the children have “Biological” relationship:

This is the default. However, a child may have more than 1 set of parents. In genetic genealogy, the Biological Parents are always the Main Parents and are who is shown in Pedigrees.

But you can add another set of Parents (who have relationships to the children of adoptive, step, foster, et cetera) and RE-ORDER the family. The topmost family becomes the main family and is shown in Pedigrees.

A blended family has an additional family for 1 biological parent. The other parent has a non-biological (step, foster, guardianship, adoptive, none) relationship to the child.

You can go a little further and add an “Adoption” event to the child with a date (and citation) of the legal process of adoption. The Child has the “Primary” role in this event. You can drag (or Share) that Event to the Adoptive Parent (when the blended family has one biological parent) or Family (when BOTH parents are adopting the child) and set the Role to “Family”.

Thank you very much for your answer

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