Following the reading of this video on Youtube:
“Create a research journal with a spreadsheet”
[Créer un journal de recherches avec un tableur - YouTube]
and this blog post
“How and why to create a list of missing records in your genealogy”
[Comment et pourquoi créer une liste des actes manquants dans votre généalogie]
I am looking for tools (Gramplets, Quickview, filters, …) to create “To Do” lists concerning, for example, the completeness of individual files, events, dates, places, sources and citation to log the research carried out, in progress and to do in order to plan a possible break.
Two gramplets approximate the expressed needs:
**** “And now”
But is it possible?
1- make it dynamic so that it can react on the active individual and not the strain
2 - copy / paste the return of the request in a Gramps note, keeping the individual “links”
**** “To do” of the dashboard which collects all the other notes distributed on Gramps objects but which external tool to store and use this information
*** Filters?
Is there a library of filters that might be suitable?
*** Quick view?
Maybe this is impossible in the current state of affairs?
Thank you
Ps: Thanks to GoogleTranslate because I’m a French Gramps user
GRAMPS : 5.1.3
Python : 3.5.2 (default, Oct 7 2020, 17:19:02) […
BSDDB : 6.1.0 (5, 3, 28)
sqlite : 3.11.0 (2.6.0)
LANG : fr_FR.UTF-8
Système : Linux
Distribution : 4.4.0-201-generic
Distributor ID: LinuxMint
Description: Linux Mint 18 Sarah
Release: 18
Codename: sarah