Mass export graph views


I would like to be able to have an add on that mass exports graph views for each person alive in the database. The idea is for my family tree to be enjoyed by anyone. They would be able to access my cloud, search for the folder named after them and see all their relationships to all the people in the database but with them at the centre.

In short:

  • Find all the people alive in the database
  • Create a folder in the specified destination folder and rename the folder with their name
  • Export a graph view with the relationships to all people dead and alive in the database with them as a home person, in their folder
    It would export to my local folder that auto uploads to the cloud. My question would be:

How hard/easy would programming such an add-on be ? I am tempted to do it myself with enough documentation and gpt3 to help, but I don’t know how difficult it is to code one.

Have you looked at the Narrated Web Site report and the Dynamic Web one?

Thanks, I don’t need to program something after all. However I really have no knowledge of HTML. Gramps exports all those files, but is there a way to send it to the family already “prepared”, as in that they can open it on their browser or do you have to host it?

When I generate a Narrative Web I send it to the cousin requesting it on a thumb drive. Clicking on the index.html file.will launch the website in their default browser.

The entire contents of the thumb drive can be moved to the hard drive. Just make sure all the files and subfolders stay together in the main folder.

USB thumb drive distribution is certainly an option.

But I suspect the convenience and portability work against its archival value. It is too easy to lose. And a spare, unmarked USB is likely to be overwritten by anyone who finds it.

And do you really want to have to buy media, duplicate, pack and ship to each cousin? … with requests trickling in over years of time? Either doing all that for free or haggling over them re-imbursing you?

Another option is using an on-demand fullfillment center. You send them a master copy (by upload or physical delivery) and any interested relative can order a copy. A one-off DVD (or USB thumbdrive) can be custom imprinted and delivered. It can include a booklet/folder/jacket containing the media & a teaser to give you research a bit more shelf-ready prominence.

A counter-intuitive benefit is that people value an item more that they paid for than that same item received for free.

Not a great option when i have relatives overseas. I was thinking of having a permanent link with the HTML files to download (password protected) on my cloud but I’m still trying to figure out a way so that I don’t have to pay for hosting a website.

I think the add-on you gave me is a good start, I certainly won’t be creating on demand reports

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