How find and fix backlink problems?

I have 3 problems which Repair tool can not fix.
Screenshot from 2024-03-15 21-33-08
How to do it manually? Logs dont show the problem.

What are they? I have one with merging duplicate citations, where 5.2 gives this message:

244496: ERROR: line 188: Unhandled exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/enno/gramps/gramps/plugins/tool/", line 205, in on_merge_ok_clicked
    raise MergeError(
gramps.gen.errors.MergeError: Encountered an object of type Note that has a citation reference.

I run it from source, because I don’t trust 5.2 with my work trees yet. And that’s because this error is also not cured by check & repair, and the error message does not give me a clue about the identity of the object that seems to be wrong.

@ennoborg where did you read this message? I would like do the same for my 3 cases. Did you add some logs directly in the python scrypt?

I see this when I run the tool that is supposed to merge duplicate citations. It does that quite well in 5.1.6, where I use it to merge citations that have the same date and vol/page, and are situated under the same source. I sometimes need to merge the sources first, using the automerge from the isotammi tools.

I’ve been too lazy to add extra logging here, because I can’t believe that there is anything wrong with them, since check & repair shows no errors in 5.1.6, and this is the same database, after upgrade.

When I look at the code, it suggests that there is a backlink problem that wasn’t in the original, meaning that it was introduced by the database upgrade. I think that also, because the code of the merge tool itself hasn’t changed.

I need to add that in your message, I can’t see what those 3 problems are, because you didn’t write about those.

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Looks like it were progress steps (1), (2), (3).
I found in code these fragments:

self.progress.set_pass(_('Looking for backlink reference problems') +
                                ' (1)', total)
self.progress.set_pass(_('Looking for backlink reference problems') +
                                ' (2)', my_items)
self.progress.set_pass(_('Looking for backlink reference problems') +
                                ' (3)', db_items)

I thought that there were 3 errors )))


But I also see logging rows like this:'Looking for backlink reference problems')

But they are not loggend in the terminal. Why? Logging level? How turn on them for installed app? This is not app version for developers.

Details of our logging system are available in the wiki. There is also a python logging Howto which gives more information.

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Thanks, get it here too, looks like a progress informational, couldn’t find too background on back links per se.
@Nick-Hall: what are your thoughts on making the console dockable, if nothing else but to make the C & R output more of a scrollathon? :smile:

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