How can I deal with "sqlite3.DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed"?

Gramps 5.1.5 on Linux Mint 21

Today, I found that a database that I copied from my desktop caused a problem on my laptop, where I’m typing this. It’s no big deal, because I probably know what caused it, but I mention it here, because Gramps doesn’t offer any help, so maybe one of you can.

When I try to open this database, I see the error shown in the title, accompanied by the advice to repair it using the Repair button in the Database Management dialog, or whatever that’s called in the English version of Gramps. And in this case, that advice is pretty useless, because the Repair button is disabled.

So the question is: Do any of you know how to repair this using standard tools? When I search for the error on Google, I find a lot of companies that want to help me for money, and offer Windows programs for that, and I won’t buy any of those, ever. I am curious about good tools though, especially because Gramps does not help here.

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