Historical events or facts into Timelines with Gramps?

Deductive timelines?

Nick’s (@Nick-Hall) discussion with Oliver (@OlliL) about the Verify rules reminded me of these timelines. And the thought occurred that those verification rules could be represented graphically on a time line chart. To be used as a deductive tool for narrowing date estimations and sanity checks.

Say that the top of the time above the ruler graphs all the Verify Rules for the Person’s events (and possibly the Family events and relevant Parent/spouse/sibling/offspring events) plotted below.

  • birth date of “before Apr 1900”
    so below, a birth bar is plotted from Apr 1850 (before 1900AD - 50yrs, the preference for 'before") to Apr 1900
    Correspondingly above, a deduced maximum lifespan bar appears above – plotted from Apr 1850 to (Apr 1950 + 11yrs, preferences for “Max Age Probably alive” )
  • Marriage date of “Jun 1908”
    so below, a marriage bar is plotted from 1 Jun 1908 to 30 Jun 1908
    Correspondingly above, 2 bars are plotted above on a row: a deduced birth bar of (1908-110yrs, max.lifespan) to (1908-13yrs, puberty onset); and a deduced death bar of (1908) to (1908-13yrs+110yrs)
  • his wife bore a child on “12 Mar 1935” (adjust to plot a conception date for Premature and Late births)
    Correspondingly above, plot a max lifespan based on the Conception date limits; and with latest possible birth and earliest possible death.

when all the Events are plotted (and there might be an option to Disregard particular events), then you could Flatten the Sanity Checks. So that all the deduced values are represented on the bar. Or Trim them, so only the earliest end of lifespan value is retained and only the latest beginning of lifespan.

Then have an option to highlight conflicting plotted data.