Shouldn’t the Transcibed unstructured text and the interpretation of it be stored as research Notes (Documents)…
And for the dates, maybe see if its possible to make an “Alternative Dates” for Events, with Citation to the source of that date input?
Actually any date is just attributes of an event, so its how it can be used and what kind of metadata that can be added to it thats matter the most…
I think that the important thing with any type of data/information is that its easy to view and easy to compare them to similar data…, and as with Alternative Names, it should be possible to chose the “Prefered” data… (maybe with a forced notation field with why this was chosen over the others…
Often you find “calculated” birth dates in different sources, and instead of storing each of this dates in a seperate attribute or Event, it would be easier to compair them if they all was registered to one Event as alternative dates for that Event…
I know this would be some redesign of Gramps, so its just a thought…
Another feature could be a full featured research log gramplet, where the Trancription, Interpretation and any Translation are done and stored, and with a “transfer to tree” feature when done…
(I mention Clooz 3 as an example)
@Nick-Hall I really like your idea about annotation text and making metadata object that can be linked to entities in the database, and even creating new entities with them…
There are other research tools (not genealogy)out there that do things like that, Histograph is one web solution for crowdbased document annotation that has features like that… and in the photography world, face recognition and object recognition is another appoach…
It would be great if something like that would be possible in Gramps, there are already the internal linking feature for notes, but if that could be extended to be used for annotating source images and PDF’s, that would be a feature that no other desktop software provides, neither in genealogy nor any other humanities research field as I know of, and I have used the last 2 years searching for and creating a zotero database with all types of research tools, archiving tools, publishing tools, database tools, document management tools, excibition tools and so on…