Extend the Source Citation window with a note text field

This is a workflow where you can leverage the Gramps clipboard.

After adding a Transcription type Note to a Citation, it is useful to keep the Note open until all the facts are transformed into Gramps objects.

However, all the parent floating Windows are distracting. (e.g, 5 windows spawned for a transcription Note of an Event citation for the Father : 1 Family Editor, 2 father Person Editor, 3 birth Event Editor, 4 Citation Editor, 5 transcription Note Editor). If you close any of the parent windows, then all their offspring spawned windows automatically close.

So, after creating the transcription Note, commit it with the Ok button, immediately copy it to the clipboard, commit the Citation with the Ok button, copy the Citation to the Clipboard, and commit the changes in other 3 parent Editors.

To continue citing Gramps objects from the tramscription Note, open the Note editor from the clipped Note and open (or add) the appropriate Gramps object editor for the other facts and drop the Citation on their Sources tab.

Interestingly, the experimental CardView by @cdhorn allows Citation to be drag’n’dropped onto Gramps objects without opening the Editor.

It would be nice if this ‘fact tagging’ process could be streamlined… similar to the way Media object can be tagged with People using the Photo Tagging gramplet. Where you can draw a series of selections and quickly associate (or add) a series of People to that Media object.