Export error: Result Not Found

Gramps 5.2.4
Gramps Web API 2.8.1
Gramps Web Frontend 25.1.1
Gramps QL 0.3.0
Sifts 1.0.0
locale: en
multi-tree: false
task queue: true
OCR: true
chat: false

I am deloying gramps-web using docker with default docker-compose.yml provided by docs. (im not changing anything). While trying to Export family tree with “Gramps XML (family tree)”. the POST API give response 200. but it looks like the file is not stored bcause it shows similiar like this:


I also check if the file exist in the path where it should be default /app/cache/export, and nothing shows up

here is the log from the docker after i hit Export

2025-02-13 14:48:45 grampsweb_celery  | [2025-02-13 07:48:45,439: INFO/MainProcess] celery@0b310d4317f5 ready.
2025-02-13 14:52:11 grampsweb_celery  | [2025-02-13 07:52:11,435: INFO/MainProcess] Task gramps_webapi.api.tasks.export_db[a6e3f963-dc68-4382-93ad-dd46c9429a11] received
2025-02-13 14:52:11 grampsweb_celery  | [2025-02-13 07:52:11,557: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Task gramps_webapi.api.tasks.export_db[a6e3f963-dc68-4382-93ad-dd46c9429a11] succeeded in 0.12100219100000231s: {'file_name': 'd1ad0f6d-3cfc-4a8b-a2d4-9b131dbfd3fa.gramps', 'file_type': '.gramps', 'url': '/api/exporters/gramps/file/processed/d1ad0f6d-3cfc-4a8b-a2d4-9b131dbfd3fa.gramps'}

and previously I also saw error like this, but not sure if its related or not (from timestamp, its appear before I hit Export)

2025-02-13 14:49:51 grampsweb-1       | ERROR:root:Error parsing list of recent DBs from file /root/.gramps/recent-files-gramps.xml: no element found: line 1, column 0.
2025-02-13 14:49:51 grampsweb-1       | This might indicate a damage to your files.
2025-02-13 14:49:51 grampsweb-1       | If you're sure there is no problem with other files, delete it, and restart Gramps.

Iinitially I already deployed on linux server and facing same issue, so I tried reproducing it on my local windows machine and getting same issue. I was trying to trace the code, and i ended up here gramps_webapi\api\export.py:283plugin.get_export_function() and have no idea after that.

maybe I miss something, but is there any configuration that should been made beside yml file provided in the doc to at least make the export work?. will appreciate any help. Thanks!


which OS, which browser?

Your log shows the file is generated successfully. Then, the frontend is supposed to trigger the download.

Please share the content of your network tab in the browser dev tools as well as the browser console.


I am using Windows 11 Home, with Chrome browser.

[UPDATE], I’ve just tried using different browser (brave, mozila, safari), and it all works fine. I also tried using chrome but in Incognito mode, it also working fine. But I still have no idea why it doesn’t work in my standard chrome browser. It might be specific issue to my system.

Currently i still working on getting deeper in this project. I’ll keep this thread updated if I found any update. Thanks