Documentation of blob data?

I’ve started on a tool to display my family tree on my website. I looked into TheNextGeneration but tend to prefer the grampsdb tool even though it’s written in python and I’m trying to build the site in PHP with laravel.

I’ve written a basic wrapper to access the grampsdb sqlite file and even wrote a wrapper around python pickle to unpickle the blob data. But the blobs don’t contain useful key/value pairs I can easily sort out. Is there a schema or map to what the various record blobs actually include so i can decode it in my laravel code?

I may even try hacking the laravel ‘model’ to use the grampsdb data to hydrate laravel models and in turn save any changes. If I get anything useful out of the result, I can make it available to the gramps community when finished.

The Gramps Data Model is probably the best overview. It shows the hierarchical structure of our data. Unfortunately it hasn’t been updated since v4.2.

The Database API and main Gramps documentation may be of help, but I recommend looking at the serialize methods of the objects in the gramps.gen.lib module.

I have now updated the Gramps Data Model for v5.2.