Date of Birth not flowing through in Gramps

AIO64-5.1.6-1 on Win 11

Possibly a newbie question, but I have just started using the software and some dates of birth entered flow through and some do not.

Please see attached.

The DOBs are entered appropriately but some do not appear next to individuals in the “People” view and do not appear on reports, while some do. On the events dialogs it all looks the same between individuals where it does work and where it doesn’t.

Thanks for advice.

Check the Birth record, if the Event Role is anything but “Primary” (such as “Unknown”) then that Event will not appear in the main view area.

The list of people is from the Grouped People view.

The Surname appears next to the ▸arrow. Clicking on the Surname opens a list of people with that Surname with all of their details similar to person with the ID I0012.

Right-clicking in the list allows you to open, or close, all nodes.

That’s not germane to the OP’s issue.

The Issue is that the highlighted person has a Birth (with date) listed in the Events gramplet. But that date does not show in the Birth Date column of that expanded portion of the Grouped People view.

You can confirm the Unknown role by expanding the window (or turning off the sidebar in the View menu) so that the Role column is showing in the Events gramplet of the bottombar.

Okay, my bad. I did not see the dates in the Event gramplet for the selected person.

And I agree, an event role of “Unknown” will cause what we are seeing.

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