Yes, the haplogroups evolve over time, but what don’t change are an individual’s haplotypes, and perhaps those are what should be stored as personal attributes, or as attributes related to “DNA test” events. Of course it would also be useful to store the haplogroups too, realizing they could change.
I share your feelings about Genome Mate Pro and have tried to think of ways to store some information about autosomal segments. Mostly, I’m interested in replicating its Segment Match feature, to document which segments of my DNA I inherited from which ancestors, and secondarily which cousins share them.
For storing information about matches, I have thought of using a “DNA match” event to be shared by both parties, with an event attribute for each matching segment. The format of the attribute’s value would be something that could be parsed for purposes of comparison to segments from other DNA match events. For example, suppose I match a person on chromosome 2 from position 120000000 to 140000000. I could store this value as “2-120000000-140000000” or perhaps with some other delimiter. Now, if I want to know whether that overlaps with a segment from another match, such as “2-130000000-150000000”, then I somehow need to parse the values first. It would be nice to have filters that could do this.
So, to generalize the problem, I would be interested to learn whether there are precedents among Gramps users for storing other multi-part values within a single attribute, and using them in comparisons.