Always display Location coordinates in decimal format?

We all have our own processes that work for us. I like the Family Search site because it gives me most of what I need to create a Place record. Besides the official name, all the variants, a description of the location and of course the Lat/Long. Also the name changes by period so I can create the correct enclosed by.

Here is another file to hack to display the digital format.


at lines 130-132

        lat, lon = conv_lat_lon(place.get_latitude(),


        lat, lon = conv_lat_lon(place.get_latitude(),
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I put in the coordinates from the earlier post (48.54486 N, 13.09433 E) and it points to the farm courtyard across the street.

I put in " Reschndobl" as the search term for Google Maps and it pointed to the monument with a picture. These are the coordinates it returned: 48.547131638925336, 13.092207702651239

I used Google Maps for both searches.

How about just using WGS 84 and OGC as the standard and support all the formats those provide, using the default for the language the user use in Gramps, but customizable by override with a user selected input selected in settings, with the most used standard text-based formats.

Some people prefer decimals, some prefer the degree with or without leading characters.

All the text-based formats in WGS 84 should be supported as input, since some countries and services use different variants of how they display or provide text-based coordinates.

Maybe there are some good information over at the QGIS project that can be used
 maybe they even have some open-source python libraries that can be used for converting and storage

I asked about this multiple years ago
 → seems to still be a to be continued
 - topic.

One thing I know is that it is not smart to base an Open-Source Software on how some proprietary web services show geo data and coordinates.

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These are currently coded options from gramp\gen\utils\

Lines 330-349

    =========   ============================================================
    Format      Description
    =========   ============================================================
    'D.D4'      degree notation, 4 decimals
                eg +12.0154 , -124.3647
    'D.D8'      degree notation, 8 decimals (precision like ISO-DMS)
                eg +12.01543265 , -124.36473268
    'DEG'       degree, minutes, seconds notation
                eg 50°52'21.92''N , 124°52'21.92''E ° has UTF-8 code c2b00a
                or N50Âș52'21.92" , E14Âș52'21.92"   Âș has UTF-8 code c2ba0a
                or N50Âș52.3456' , E14Âș52.9876' ; decimal minutes, no seconds
    'DEG-:'     degree, minutes, seconds notation with :
                eg -50:52:21.92 , 124:52:21.92
    'ISO-D'     ISO 6709 degree notation i.e. ±DD.DDDD±DDD.DDDD
    'ISO-DM'    ISO 6709 degree, minutes notation
                i.e. ±DDMM.MMM±DDDMM.MMM
    'ISO-DMS'   ISO 6709 degree, minutes, seconds notation
                i.e. ±DDMMSS.SS±DDDMMSS.SS
    'RT90'      Output format for the Swedish coordinate system RT90
    =========   ============================================================

“monstrosity” ??? Not to start an argument, but the whole world navigates by this.

I assumed that this was a language translation anomaly. That he had a German word in mind that was probably similar to ‘fetish’ or ‘compulsion’ but loosely translated as ‘monstrosity’.

My compulsion for coordinate entry was seeking an option to use 10-key numeric keypad without mousing or tabbing or commas. Re-indexing between each coordinate for a comma or cardinal direction letter really disrupts the workflow. (And I can never remember the keystrokes for a degree symbol.)

The keypad’s “Enter” does not advance from the Latitude to Longitude field. So I was hoping the parser field might read something like the slash instead of the commas between coordinates: “-22.9068/-43.1729” as “22.9068° S, 43.1729° W”, the coordinates for Rio de Janeiro.

There’s also a request (12399) to ignore an extraneous degrees symbol and see the space as a separator.

We cannot trust the coordinates displayed by wikipedia because they are different depending on the user’s browser language. So I think this bug request will never be solved.


Ok, let’s see what Merriam-Webster has to say for the word “monstrosity”:

  • something deviating from the normal – FREAK
  • an excessively bad or shocking example

It appears to me that both definitions are quite fitting for something like the deg/min/sec format of degrees based on a hexadecimal system with specific and quite peculiar and not well defined characters to indicate fractions (° vs ’ vs ® vs " vs ®®) in a world that’s based on decimal systems with a well defined decimal point (besides the German , instead of . but I stopped using the German format some 50 years ago). So yes, for me being a scientist by training, the deg/min/sec format of degrees is “something deviating from the normal”. And don’t forget: writing

indicates tongue in cheek. Or according to Merriam-Webster “whimsical exaggeration” :wink:

If we would simply change from degrees to radians, then there wouldn’t be any disagreement about the rest of it. :wink:

That also crossed my mind but I dropped the idea because it could also be considered as a monstrosity since “deviating from the normal” (in terms of geo coordinates) :wink:

You see I’m a purist only to a moderate degree 

But the deviants are the most interesting genealogical stories!

I fully agree but I’d like to differentiate between genealogical stories and the format of geo coordinates :wink:

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